आज के इस पोस्ट में हमलोग BSEB Class 12 English (100 Marks) के बारे जानकारी प्राप्त करेगे | चैप्टर वाइज Summary की जानकारी दिया जायेगा | साथ ही हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों भाषा में लिखा रहेगा जिससे अपलोगो को समझने में आसानी होगा |
Born: 25 April 1873, Charlton, London, United Kingdom
Died: 22 June 1956, Twickenham, United Kingdom
Spouse: Elfrida Ingpen (m. 1899–1943)
Awards: Carnegie Medal
Parents: James Edward de la Mare, Lucy Sophia Browning
Summary in English
“An epitaph” is a heart-touchable short poem which has been composed by the world famous poet Walter de la Mare. In this love poem, the poet tells us about the most beautiful lady of a Western country who is no more in this world.
She was the most beautiful lady that was ever born in the West Country. The poet is indicating towards a grave and says that this is the same tomb in which my love is laid down.
The poet loved her too much by wholeheartedly. So the poet began to weep bitterly to know the news about her death. Whenever oppressed the memory of his beloved, the poet used to go near her tomb and sit beside her tomb where she was laid down. So the poet wants to say that if a lover loves someone too much by heart never leave her alone.
Summary in Hindi
“ऐन ऐपिटैफ” दिल को छू जाने वाली एक लघु कविता हैं | जिसे विश्व प्रसिद्ध कवि वालटर दी ला मेयर के द्वारा रचित किया गया हैं | इस प्रेमभरी कविता में कवि हमलोगो को पश्चिम देश की एक सबसे सुन्दर युवती के बारे में बताते हैं | जो इस संसार में नहीं रही |
वह इतनी सुंदर युवती थी, जो शायद ही पश्चिम देश में कभी जन्म ली होगी | कवि ख़ास क़ब्र की ओर इंगित करता है और कहता है की यह वही मकबरा है, जिसमें मेरी प्यार लेटी हुईं है |
कवि अपने प्रेमिका को दिलो-जान से प्यार करता था | इसलिए कवि उसके मौत का ख़बर सुनकर फ़ुट-फ़ुट कर रोने लगा | जब कभी उसकी प्रेमिका की याद उसे सताता था, कवि उसके मकबरा के समीप जाया करता था और उसके मकबरा के बगल में बैठा करता था जहाँ उसके प्यार को लेटाया गया था | इसलिए कवि कहना चाहता है कि यदि कोई प्रेमी किसी को तहे दिल से प्यार करता हो तो उसे कभी भी अकेला ना छोड़े |
Short Questions
Q.1 where does the lady lie? HOW does she look to the poet?
Ans:- the lady lies in the graveyard. In the words of poet she was the most beautiful lady ever born in west country
Q.2 what is an epitaph?
Ans . An epitaph is a text written in the memory of a person who died, especially as an discription on tombstone.
Q3. What do you mean by ‘light of step and heard’?
Ans. lt means the one who is fond of wandering here and there, the one who lives his /her life in full swing.
Q4.what is the poet views about beauty?
Ans. The poet says that beauty does not remain forever. It has to pass one day. One day it vanishes.
Q5.What does the poet mean when he says’ And when/crumble who will remember’?
Ans. literally crumble means ‘to break into piece’ but here it means ‘to die . BY this phrase the
Poet shares his fear that there is no to remember that lady after his dddddeath.
Q6. Is the poet gloomy after the lady’s death?
Ans. Yes the poet is very sad after the lady’s death .He has not forgotten her yet. He
Remembers her a lot and frequently goes to her grave to remember her.
Q7. HOW does the poet assess her beauty ?
Ans. The poet says that the western world has not produced the beauty like her yet . was
The most beautiful lady .Her beauty was rare.
Q8. In this poem ‘ what will happen when the poet dies ‘
Ans. In this poem ; An Epitaph after the death of the poet the lady will not be remembered by
Anyone . Here the poet has focused on materialistic beauty and inner beauty .the poet says that the inner beauty that remains forever .the materialistic or outer beauty vanishes After the death of the person