The Soldier (Rupert Brooke)

आज के इस पोस्ट में हमलोग  BSEB Class 12 English (100 Marks) के बारे जानकारी प्राप्त करेगे | चैप्टर वाइज Summary की जानकारी दिया जायेगा | साथ ही हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों भाषा में लिखा रहेगा जिससे अपलोगो को समझने में आसानी होगा |

Born: 3 August 1887, Rugby, United Kingdom

Died: 23 April 1915, 

Tris BoukesBay, GreeceEducation: University of Cambridge, Rugby School, King’s College, Cambridge
‎Buried: Skyros, Greece


The Poem “The Soldier” is a very popular patriotic sonnet. It has been composed by the poet Rupert Brooke who was the most handsome man of England of that time.        
           In this beautiful sonnet, Rupert Brooke describes the feelings of an English soldier, who is going to a foreign country to protect his motherland.   
           The Soldier wishes if I may martyr in a foreign country on the battlefield. I should be buried in England because I want to get into the soil from which I have been born and this would be the best luck for me.

This poem gives us a strong sense of patriotism.

Brooke is remembered as a ‘war poet’ who inspired patriotism in the early phase of the First World War.


कविता “द सोल्जर”  एक बहुत ही लोक प्रिय देशभक्ति गीत है। इसकी रचना कवि “रूपर्टब्रुक” ने की है, जो उस समय इंग्लैंड के सबसे सुंदर व्यक्ति थे।

इस खूबसूरत सॉनेट में, रूपर्ट ब्रुक इंग्लैंड के एक सैनिक की भावनाओं का वर्णन करते है, जो अपनी मातृ भूमि की रक्षा के लिए, विदेश की रणभूमि पर जा रहा है।

अगर मैं युद्ध के मैदान में किसी विदेशी देश में शहीद हो जाता हूँ तो एक सैनिक की जो इच्छा होती है, वह बता रहे है, मुझे इंग्लैंड में दफनाया जाये क्योंकि मैं उस मिट्टी में मिल जाना चाहता हूं जिस मिट्टी से मैंने  जन्म लिया और यही  मेरा  सौभाग्य होगी |           
यह कविता हमें देशभक्ति का एक प्रबल एहसास देती हैं | 

Short Questions

Q1. What is sonnet?

Ans. A sonnet is a poetic form which has 14 line divided into two parts octave and sestet. It was originated in ltaly. There are there types of sonnet Petrarchan Shakespearean and Spenserian.

Q2. Is the speaker afraid of death in the poem?

Ans. No the speaker in the poem ‘The Soldier’ is not afraid of death rather he wants to sacrifice his life for his country.

Q3. How can some corner of a foreign field be forever England?

Ans. The speaker says that when he dies in the battlefield in a foreign land. He would be buried there. And that certain piece of land will mix with English blood and bones. In this way that foreign field will be forever England.

Q4. What do you know about Rupert Brook?

Ans. Rupert Brook was an idealist English poet who died in the first world war. He was a Soldier by profession and represented England in the First World War. He is famous for his war sonnet. In the words of W B Yeats he was the most handsome Youngman of England at that time.

Q5. How is the poet expressing his indebtedness to England?

Ans. The poet has sincerely shown indebtedness by his country. In his words he was born and bought up in the England, he breathed English air, he was washed by the Rivers of England and blessed by the sunlight of England.

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