“Ode To Autumn” (John Keats) Explanation in English & Hindi

आज के इस पोस्ट में हमलोग  BSEB Class 12 English (100 Marks) के बारे जानकारी प्राप्त करेगे | चैप्टर वाइज Summary की जानकारी दिया जायेगा | साथ ही हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों भाषा में लिखा रहेगा जिससे अपलोगो को समझने में आसानी होगा |

Born: 31 October 1795, Moorgate, City of London, United Kingdom

Died: 23 February 1821, Rome, Italy

Poems: To Autumn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, MORE

Movies: Arterial

Summary in English

“To Autumn” is a very remarkable poem, which has been composed by the great romantic poet John Keats. The poet John Keats is a great lover of nature. Here in this poem, the poet John Keats describes the beauty and characteristic spirit of autumn in a series of memorable pictures.

The Sun and summer help in the ripeness of fruits in autumn. There is neither heat of summer nor bitter cold of winter. The rays of the sun make the fruits juicy, fleshy and tasty. Nature looks beautiful everywhere. The wind blows friendly and birds sing in a very fine-tuned. People are fine and gay in this pleasant season. Nature remains calm and cool in this pleasant season. the poet tells autumn not to be worried because according to the poet, she has her own music. Young lamb bleats and the Robin Whistles in full swing from the garden in this season.

So, the poet John Keats means to say that autumn is a very pleasant season. This pleasant season makes a man too happy.

Summary in Hindi

“टू ऑटोमन”  एक बहुत ही आकर्षक  कविता है, जिसकी रचना महान रोमांटिक कवि  जॉनकीट्स  ने की है ।कवि जॉन कीट्स  प्रकृति के एक महान प्रेमी हैं। यहाँ इस कविता में, कवि जॉन कीट्स ने यादगार तस्वीरों की एक श्रृंखला में शरदऋतु की सुंदरता और विशेषता भावना का वर्णन किया है ।

शरद ऋतु में फलों के पकने में सूर्य और गर्मी दोनों मदद करते हैं। वहाँ न तो गर्मी में ज्यादा  गर्मी पड़ती है और नही सर्दियों की कड़वी ठंड पड़ती हैं । सूरज की किरणें फलों को रसदार,  मांसल और स्वादिष्ट बनाती हैं। प्रकृति हर जगह सुंदर दिखती है। हवा अनुकूल चलती है और पक्षियाँ बहुत ही मधुर ध्वनि में  गाते हैं। इस सुहावने  मौसम में लोग अच्छे और खुशमिज़ाज होते हैं|  इस सुखद मौसम में प्रकृति शांत और ठंडी रहती है। कवि पतझड़ को चिंता न करने के लिए कहते हैं क्योंकि कवि के अनुसार पतझड़ का अपना संगीत है | इसी मौसम में मेमने मिमियाते है और बगीचे से रॉबिन पूरी मस्ती में सिटी बजाती है  |

इसलिए, कवि  जॉन कीट्स  के  कहने का मतलब है कि शरद ऋतु एक बहुत ही सुखद मौसम है। यह सुखद मौसम एक आदमी को बहुत खुश बना देता हैं |

Short Questions

Q1.  Why the autumn is called the season of mists and mellow and mellow fruitfulness?

Ans. Autumn is called the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness because of the presence of the mist and because during this season fruits on trees have reached to extreme ripeness.

Q2. What are the autumn and the sun conspiring?

Ans. The autumn and the sun are conspiring with each other to fill the earth with flowers; to fill the ripeness to the core of fruits to swell the gourd and to make the nuts plumpy.

Q3. Why do bees think that warm days will never cease?

Ans. Bees think that warm days will never cease because summer has filled their honeycombs more than they had expected.

Q4. Where do the vines run?

Ans. Vines run over the thatch- eaves.

Q5. Where does one can see the autumn sitting?

Ans. One can the autumn sitting among its stores where the entire harvest has been carefully preserved.

Q6.why is the autumn sitting amid store?

Ans. The autumn, is sitting amid its stores because she is watching the harvested grains that are stored inside them.

Q7. What does the autumn spare in a mood of laziness? What?

Ans. The autumn spares some grains cut down by the harvesters because she thinks that the poor gleaner would become glad.

Q8. What does the autumn do on a half -reaped furrow?

Ans. The autumn sleeps on a half – reaped furrow.

Q9. How is personification applied in the 4th line?

Ans. In the 4th line, the autumn season is compared to a woman whose hair is softly lifted by the wind.

10. Why does the poet ask the autumn not to think of think of the songs of spring?Ans. The poet ask autumn not to think of the spring’s song because he believes that the autumn season has got its own Music like the mourning of gnats, the bleat of lambs and the Whistles of Robin

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