In this post, I have explained summary of BSEB class 12th English prose section Chapter-02 “Songs Of Myself“ in Hindi & English.
Summary in English
“Song of Myself” was first published as the untitled opening poem of Leaves of Grass in 1855. The author’s name does not appear on the first edition’s title page, but it is mentioned in the poem: “Walt Whitman, an American. Song of myself is an outstanding poem. It has been composed by the greatest American poet Walt Whitman.
In this present poem, the poet Walt Whitman expresses his sentiment of humanity. He says all men are born equal and everything in all human beings is the same even their blood is of the same colour but the poet is very much in pain at seeing the quarrel between two religions. At last the poet suggests to us that everyone should think that there is nothing in life except brotherhood. So always be happy and try to make others happy. It’s really a fantastic poem from Walt Whitman in which he has brilliantly talked about his wishes and freedom of speech. It has also a rhyming tone which attracts the reader.
Summary in Hindi
1855 में “सॉन्ग ऑफ माय सेल्फ” को सर्वप्रथम leaves of grass की शीर्षक हीन कविता के रूप में प्रकाशित किया गया था।लेखक का नाम पहले संस्करण के शीर्षक पृष्ठ पर दिखाई नहीं देता है, लेकिन यह कविता में उल्लिखित है : “वॉल्टव्हिटमैन ”, एक अमेरिकी है। सॉन्ग ऑफ़ माइ सेल्फ एक बहुत अच्छी कविता है | इसे अमेरिका के सबसे महान कवि वाल्ट व्हिट मैन के द्वारा रचित किया गया है|
इस वर्तमान कविता में कवि वाल्ट व्हिट मैन मानवता के प्रति अपने विचार को प्रस्तुत करते है| वे कहते है कि सभी पुरुष एक-समान जन्म लेते है और सभी पुरूषो में सब कुछ एक जैसा होता है और यहाँ तक कि उनका खून भी एक रंग का होता है लेकिन दो धर्मों के बीच, झगड़े को देखकर कवि काफ़ी दुःख प्रकट करते हैं| अंतत कवि हमें यह सुझाव देते हैं कि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को यह सोचना चाहिए कि इस संसार में भाईचारा के सिवा कुछ नहीं हैं इसलिए हमेशा ख़ुश रहे और दूसरों को खुश रखने की कोशिश करें|
यह वॉल्टव्हिटमैन की वास्तव में एक उत्कृष्ट कविता है जिसमें उनहोंने बड़े शानदार ढंग से अपनी इच्छाओं और बोलने की स्वतंत्रताके बारे में बात की है | इसमें एक तुकबंदी वाला लहजा भी है जो पाठक को आकर्षित करता है |
Short Questions
Q1. Who is Speaker in the poem and how old is he?
Ans. The poet himself is the speaker in the poem and now he is 37 years old.
Q2. What is the theme of the poem?
Ans. There are many themes of the poem because it’s a very long poem. The poet is giving here the messages of unity, universal brotherhood, freedom of speech, egoism and so no.
Q3. Where does he like to rest?
Ans. The poet has found a new way to hangout. He likes to sit on the spear of summer grass. He observes this wonderful life there.
Q4 What has formed the speaker’s blood?
Ans. The speaker’s blood is made up of American soil and air.
Q5. What does the poet meant by ‘Hoping to cease not till death?
Ans. The poet wants to say that he is 37 years right now. And he hopes that he will be as healthy as he is right now till his last breath.
Q6. What similarities does the poet draw between two humans being?
Ans. The poet says that all the human being of the world is same because they all are made of the same atom of blood.
Q7. What does the poet want to do with his creeds?
Ans. The poet tells his countrymen to suspend his belief for a while and to enjoy a new democratic way of life. But he himself says that they people won’t do so.
Q8. What does the poet mean by ‘Nature without check with original energy’?
Ans. The poet means to say that the nature is going with its full swing and there is no one to check it. It is always dynamic and regular. And it is as it should be.